Wi-Fi: Bladerf2 Wiphy

The BladeRF2 WiPhy source works with the Nuand BladeRF2 A9 with the WiPhy FPGA image.

Kismet will auto-detect BladeRF2 devices as bladerf-wiphy, or you may manually specify the type:


Supported hardware

The BladeRF2 WiPhy source requires a BladeRF2 (aka BladeRF Micro), with the larger FPGA (the A9 variant).

It requires the WiPhy FPGA image.

Compiling WiPhy support

WiPhy support in Kismet requires the latest versions of LibBladeRF2; as these are not available in many distributions, Kismet does not enable it by default.

You will need to enable WiPhy support at compile time by passing --enable-bladerf to ./configure during the compile stage.

WiPhy support is also built into packages from the main Kismet repositories for Kali and Ubuntu Jammy.

Kismet WiPhy support will also work on macOS!

Kismet WiPhy support

BladeRF2 WiPhy integrates with the Linux mac80211hwsim virtual 802.11 driver layer. Kismet can use this as a normal Wi-Fi interface in Linux with no additional support, using the Linux Wi-Fi datasource.

The Kismet WiPhy support will directly communicate with the BladeRF2 SDR using libBladeRF2, and will work without the mac80211hwsim layer and on macOS.

BladeRF WiPhy source parameters

Naming and description options

All data sources accept the common naming and description options.