
Kismet can load additional code dynamically at runtime in the form of a plugin.

Plugins are a double-edged sword: In their current implementation, plugins are full first-class citizens in the Kismet ecosystem; a plugin can perform any action Kismet native code can perform, and are given a direct reference to the internal Kismet module system.

Plugin code

Plugins are shared objects (.so files) with pre-defined functions, HTML and Javascript code, or external binaries launched over IPC which communicate with the Kismet server. Plugins can combine all of these aspects.

Plugin locations

Plugins can be installed into one of two locations:

  • System-wide plugins are installed into [datadir]/kismet/plugins/ where [datadir] is the parameter passed to ./configure --datadir=.... It defaults to /usr/local/.

  • Per-user plugins are installed into the users home directory under ~/.kismet/plugins/

Plugin static web content

Plugins are mapped into the Kismet webserver under /plugin/[plugin-directory-name]/ path. Plugins can add arbitrary content in this directory, but it is strongly recommended that they follow the following convention:

  • [prefix]/plugins/[name]/httpd/js/ - Javascript files
  • [prefix]/plugins/[name]/httpd/css/ - CSS files

To register a JS module for automatic loading (for instance, to interact with the normal Kismet web UI and add new tabs, details, etc), a plugin must either:

  • Register the module with with the kis_httpd_registry::register_js(...) system
  • Define a plugin manifest stored in [prefix]/plugins/[name]/manifest.conf

Plugin external HTTP helpers

An external HTTP helper plugin communicates with Kismet over the external API IPC channel. The binary is launched by Kismet. External API plugins can add new endpoints to the Kismet server and communicate with Kismet via the IPC channel and the Kismet web API.

Plugin manifests

The manifest file allows Kismet to automatically derive information about a plugin with no native code - this allows for simple HTTP-only plugins which enhance the web UI without requiring them to include compiled code to register the plugin.

The manifest file should be placed in [prefix]/plugins/[name]/manifest.conf, and takes the form of a Kismet config file (name=value pairs):

namePlugin name
descriptionPlugin description
authorPlugin author
versionPlugin version
objectplugin shared object file name
httpexternalexternal API tool binary name
jsJS module and path as module_name,/web/path/to/js.

Example manifest:

description=Trivial web-only plugin
author=Joe Random <>


Example manifest for plugin with C++ code:

description=Standard code-based plugin
author=Joe Random <>


Example manifest for plugin with an external binary:

description=Demo of a plugin using the external API tool to create new endpoints
author=Joe Random <>
